Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Just a few things you need to know
1.Don't forget your can tabs
2. Don't forget your bedding
3. if you have scrapbooking items you no longer use, the children at the hospital would live to have them.
4. Tammy will be bringing her Cricut, so if you don't want to bring yours. Just bring your mat. We can share the machine.
5. Jeanette is bringing her Slice and will share.
Leave all your troubles behind and get ready to enjoy your weekend.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I hope you are packing up for the crop or at least thinking about what you are bring to the 4th Annual Crop 2 Help Retreat.
ONLY 10 more days
I hope all of you got the e-mail about the additional t-shirts.
If not it is below.
Don't forget you can tabs!
Do we have a deal for you.
We have decided to sell additional CROP 2 HELP T-shirts for your family and friends to help raise additional money for the hospital children.
If you are coming to the retreat this year, your t-shirt is paid for, But if you would like to purchase additional shirts, this is your chance.
Irasema is hard at work, creating the special 2009 design just for us.
You have seen in the past what she can create.
So you won't be disappointed.
So let me know if you are interested.
Price is $10.00 for small to large
$13.00 for 2x and 3 x